At New Me Body Spa


In contrast to a lot of the techniques available on the market, LPG® endermologie offers a 100% natural alternative: stimulating dormant cellular activity within our skin to fight all unaesthetic manifestations (wrinkles, sagging skin, localized resistant fat, cellulite appearance, and more).

The mechanical stimulation of cells, called endermologie®, thus reactivates their awakening naturally and painlessly.



What is Endermologie Video

After more than 30 years of expertise and scientific research, LPG® creates a new patent to control all these natural mecanisms in a single treatment.


Cellu M6® Integral 2

We use the most up to date technology for endermologie. Cellu M6® Integral 2 Wins LNE & Spa Best Equipment For The Body. 

Thanks to the Lipomassage™ technique, Cellu M6® is very efficient for women and men who want to eliminate stubborn fat resistant to physical exercise and dieting (1).
The LIPOMASSAGE technique, with CELLU M6, is efficient on:


- cellulite
- bra folds
- sagging arms
- thick arms
- flabby bellies
- big bellies
- thick waists
- saddlebags
- flat buttocks
- flabby buttocks
- fatty buttocks
- fatty thighs
- fatty knees


The treatments’ effectiveness is scientifically proven. As of the company’s foundation in 1986, LPG’s innovations have always been validated by scientific studies (all scientific results are available on the company’s website ).
Another proof is the number of machines sold around the world!